
How to dress sexy [Without Slutty]

We’ve got the girly stuff you love—dresses that seem like you could have pulled them from your lingerie drawer, sequins, heels—and, as a special bonus, some surprisingly sultry new pieces.

A dress that shows off your curves

Seek out lingerie-y details like corseting, satin straps and a perfect, Cinderella-slipper fit.

Spaghetti straps
Skinny little spaghetti straps
On a sundress or a simple tank, they’re a flirty way to bare one of your best parts—those shoulders!

Halter shape

Anything with a halter shape

The thing we just said about showing off your shoulders? Ditto here.

Skinny pants high heels

Sleek, casual pants with some sky-high heels

The combo gives you that leggy look—even if you’re not a six-foot-tall model.

Dresses with cutouts

Cutouts that show your skin

Just-a-little-bit-naughty peekaboos are a big trend right now.

Low cut top

A top that’s cut low

Dare: Go low. Double dare: Don’t fidget. You have a no-fail date-night outfit!

Strapless dress

A modern strapless dress

This one’s got a dip in front and a not-bridesmaid-y, structured-shape bottom,
but anything that brings a smile to your face will do.

10 Things Women Do Better Than Men

We love men. But we kept coming across tons of studies proving women have some amazing abilities that men lack. So, we rounded up some of our favorites. Hello, ego boost!

1. We evolve hotter.

A recent study revealed that women are getting better looking through evolution; meanwhile, men are staying the same. After following more than 2,000 people through four decades of life, the study showed that attractive women had 16 percent more children than average-looking chicks and that beautiful people are 36 percent more likely to have a daughter as their firstborn. All those gorgeous daughters mean more beautiful women than in past generations.

2. We survive car accidents more often.

This is sad but true: Men are 77 percent more likely to die in a car accident than women, according to a study done by Carnegie Mellon University. Our boyfriends should be thanking us when we nag them to "Wear your seatbelt!"

3. We invest better.

A study of 100,000 portfolios showed that women's investment returns outperform men's, 18 percent to 11 percent. This could be because women are typically more cautious with their investment decisions and think longer term.

4. We're more recession-proof.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 80 percent of those who have lost their jobs since December 2007 have been men. Ouch. This could be because male-dominated fields have been hit the hardest, like manufacturing and finance. That really sucks...but hey, maybe it's time more men became nurses and educators.

5. We're better at seeking comfort.

A Mind survey of 2,000 people revealed that women are far more likely than men to talk through their problems. Fifty-three percent of women talk to their friends about what's stressing them out, as opposed to 29 percent of men.

6. We graduate college more often.

We already know that female enrollment is higher than male, but the Department of Education's statistics reveal that men are also less likely than women to graduate and get their bachelor's degrees. Men are also more likely to take longer than five years to complete their degree.

7. We eat healthier.

A survey of more than 14,000 people, conducted by the University of Minnesota, showed that women choose far healthier foods than men. While men are more likely to chow down on frozen pizza and red meat, women are piling fruits and veggies onto their plates. It all sounds pretty obvious, but we get so much grief for our chocolate addictions that we just had to point this one out!

8. We have stronger immune systems.

No wonder men act like such babies when they have a sniffle — women really do have stronger immune systems than men! If there are little battles going on in our bodies, women have a secret weapon: estrogen. A study done by McGill University indicated that estrogen gives women an edge when it comes to fighting off infections. That's because estrogen confronts a certain enzyme that often hinders the body's first line of defense against bacteria and viruses.

9. We live longer.

Among the world's population of those who are over 100 years old, 85 percent are women, according to the New England Centenarian Study. In general, women continue to live five to 10 years longer than men as well.

10. We're better managers, especially in this economy.

This one is a little controversial, but a slew of experts are confident that women make greater bosses because they are better listeners, mentors, problem solvers, and multitaskers than their male counterparts. In a recent Daily News article, management expert Jay Forte said, "It's a very service-oriented economy [right now], so you need employees to be motivated. Women are better connectors than men and more astute about knowing how to activate passion in their employees."

8 Snacks to Eat for Weight Loss

A new survey of U.S. workers found that one in 10 women is noshing more during the day because of economic worries. But if you make the right choice, there's nothing wrong with snacking--in fact, it's important to keep your mind and body energized and your metabolism pumping, says dietitian Wendy Bazilian, R.D., coauthor of The SuperFoodsRx Diet. Women should have two to three 150-calorie snacks a day. The best choices have a mix of carbs for energy and protein and fiber (at least two grams) to keep you full, she says. Here, eight great low-calorie snacks that do just that.

Instant trail mix

Toss a one-ounce serving of dried fruit like cherries or raisins and a tablespoon of cashews, almonds or walnuts into a baggie in the morning and save it for a midmorning or late-afternoon snack. It's a perfect mix of carbohydrates, protein and fat--not to mention flavor, says Bazilian. Walnuts are also heart-healthy and full of nutritious omega-3 fatty acids.
Carrots hummus celery

Baby carrots and hummus

Crave salty chips or crackers? The carrot crunch and savory hummus can satisfy that need while delivering more energy and filling fiber--and way fewer calories--than chips.
Yogurt blueberries

Yogurt with berries

Blueberries are a fabulous fruit to have on hand for snacking, says Bazilian. "They are the ultimate 'poppable' since they require only a rinse to eat--no peeling or chopping necessary." And frozen ones will keep in your office fridge for weeks. Make a sweet parfait with a nonfat yogurt and 3/4 cup of berries.
Apple peanut butter

An apple with a tablespoon of peanut butter

This is the quintessential sweet, crunchy and creamy combo, says Bazilian: "It packs healthy nutrients and fiber, and the heavy peanut butter creates energy that lasts."
Edamame bowl


Boil frozen edamame (soybean) pods like the ones you get at Japanese restaurants and bring 1/2 cup of them to work to eat cold. With a light sprinkle of salt, edamame is a fresh and easy snack, says Bazilian. And those empty pods might have a secret benefit. "The pods are like a trail of evidence, which research has shown can play a role in determining how we know when to stop eating and our feelings of satisfaction," she says.
Crackers cheese

Four whole-grain crackers and light string cheese

Cheese can be hard to quit eating once you get started. So choose individually packaged light string or sliced cheeses that equal about one ounce.
Granola bar cranberries

An energy bar like flavor & fiber or Fiber One

Energy bars are easy pick-me-ups, but choosing the right one can be tricky, says Bazilian. Her rules? Look for real ingredients like raisins or oats and aim for 120 to 150 calories and no more than 15 grams of sugar, 150 mg of sodium and 5 grams of fat.


If you skip all the greasy butter and opt for the low-fat variety, popcorn is the ideal thing to keep your stomach from rumbling while also not contributing to any expansion of your hips. You can eat four whole cups and manage to pack in healthy whole-grain carbs, fiber and even a little protein.

A View on Buddhism: Zen Stories

A student confided in Suzuki Roshi that she had tremendous feelings of love for him, and that it confused her.
"Don't worry," he said. "You can let yourself have all the feelings you have for your teacher. That's good. I have enough discipline for both of us."


A student asked Suzuki Roshi why the Japanese make their teacups so thin and delicate that they break easily. "It's not that they're too delicate," he answered, "but that you don't know how to handle them. You must adjust yourself to the environment, and not vice versa."

From: "To Shine One Corner of the World: Moments with Shunryu Suzuki: Stories of a Zen Teacher Told by His Students" (Edited by David Chadwick): http://cuke.com


On a visit to the East Coast, Suzuki Roshi arrived at the meeting place of the Cambridge Buddhist Society to find everyone scrubbing down the interior in anticipation of his visit. They were surprised to see him, because he had written that he would arrive on the following day. He tied back the sleeves of his robe and insisted on joining the preparations "for the grand day of my arrival."
"To Shine One Corner of the World: Moments with Shunryu Suzuki: Stories of a Zen Teacher Told by His Students"

Letting go

Two monks were returning to the monastery in the evening. It had rained and there were puddles of water on the road sides. At one place a beautiful young woman was standing unable to walk accross because of a puddle of water. The elder of the two monks went up to a her lifted her in his alms and left her on the other side of the road, and continued his way to the monastery.
In the evening the younger monk came to the elder monk and said, "Sir, as monks, we cannot touch a woman ?"
The elder monk answered "yes, brother".
Then the younger monk asks again, " but then Sir, how is that you lifted that woman on the roadside ?"
The elder monk smiled at him and told him " I left her on the other side of the road, but you are still carrying her "

The Gates of Paradise

A soldier named Nobushige came to Hakuin and asked: "Is there really a paradise and a hell?"
"Who are you?" inquired Hakuin.
"I am a samurai", the warrior replied.
"You, a soldier!" sneered Hakuin, "What kind of ruler would have you as his guard? You look like a beggar".
Nobushige became so angry that he began to draw his sword.
Hakuin continued: "So you have a sword! Your weapon is probably to dull to cut off my head."
Nobushige drew his sword.
Hakuin remarked: "Here open the gates of hell!"
At these words the samurai, perceiving the master's discipline, put away his sword and bowed.
"Here open the gates of paradise", said Hakuin.
From 'Zen flesh, Zen bones'


One day there was an earthquake that shook the entire Zen temple. Parts of it even collapsed. Many of the monks were terrified. When the earthquake stopped the teacher said, "Now you have had the opportunity to see how a Zen man behaves in a crisis situation. You may have noticed that I did not panic. I was quite aware of what was happening and what to do. I led you all to the kitchen, the strongest part of the temple. It was a good decision, because you see we have all survived without any injuries. However, despite my self-control and composure, I did feel a little bit tense - which you may have deduced from the fact that I drank a large glass of water, something I never do under ordinary circumstances."

One of the monks smiled, but didn't say anything.

"What are you laughing at?" asked the teacher.

"That wasn't water," the monk replied, "it was a large glass of soy sauce."

More self-control

During the civil wars in feudal Japan, an invading army would quickly sweep into a town and take control. In one particular village, everyone fled just before the army arrived - everyone except the Zen master.

Curious about this old fellow, the general went to the temple to see for himself what kind of man this master was. When he wasn't treated with the deference and submissiveness to which he was accustomed, the general burst into anger.
"You fool," he shouted as he reached for his sword, "don't you realize you are standing before a man who could run you through without blinking an eye!"

But despite the threat, the master seemed unmoved.
"And do you realize," the master replied calmly, "that you are standing before a man who can be run through without blinking an eye?"


The master Bankei's talks were attended not only by Zen students but by persons of all ranks and sects. He never quoted sutras nor indulged in scholastic dissertations. Instead, his words were spoken directly from his heart to the hearts of his listeners.
His large audience angered a priest of the Nichiren sect because the adherents had left to hear about Zen. The self-centered Nichiren priest came to the temple, determined to have a debate with Bankei.

"Hey, Zen teacher!" he called out. "Wait a minute. Whoever respects you will obey what you say, but a man like myself does not respect you. Can you make me obey you?"
"Come up beside me and I will show you," said Bankei.
Proudly the priest pushed his way through the crowd to the teacher.
Bankei smiled. "Come over to my left side."
The priest obeyed.
"No," said Bankei, "we may talk better if you are on the right side. Step over here."
The priest proudly stepped over to the right.
"You see," observed Bankei, "you are obeying me and I think you are a very gentle person. Now sit down and listen."

Source: viewonbuddhism.org

How to Ruin a Love Relationship With Modern Technology

As a psychic advisor the majority of my calls are from people with problems in their love life. What I have observed that is ruining relationships is modern technology. Nowadays people use Text Messaging, Facebook, MySpace, and E-Mail as ways of communicating with someone that they are in a relationship with or trying to have a relationship with.

Let me explain to you that this is not real communication. The Dictionary defines communication as the following: The Act of Communicating; Transmission.
a. The exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing, (Texting is not writing) or behavior.
b. Interpersonal rapport.
c. The art and technique of using words effectively to impart information or ideas.

True communication is face to face or by telephone where you can hear the tone and pick up the vibration of what this person is feeling towards you. It's impossible to understand what someone is meaning if it's a joke or if it's something serious with a few simple text messages back and forth.

I have clients call me with frantic questions such as: I texted him/her twenty minutes ago and he/she hasn't responded back, what is he/she thinking about me, is he/she mad at me, what does this mean? Why doesn't he/ she respond? I tell them it's easy, call and find out or go and see him/her.

Relationships and marriages are falling apart faster than the economy. The main reason is people are not having proper communication. The art of communication is being lost because of the modern methods of communication or should I say lack of communication. I don't understand why someone cannot take a few minutes to pick up the phone and call and get a direct answer rather than agonize for hours before someone responds to their text or e-mail message. It doesn't make sense. Yet, every day as a psychic advisor I hear the same questions over and over from different people.

My advice is always the same if you want to ruin the relationship or potential relationship continue using Text Message. It's a sure fire way to end a new relationship or destroy a relationship that has been going for a few years.

When people go to business meetings, luncheons or dinners, many times they are Texting messages under the table. They are Texting when they drive their cars, when they're walking down the street, in a hospital, or even in a movie theater. This has gone way too far.

It's evident that our society is falling apart in so many different areas and communication is probably the biggest one. It's difficult to get people to read. I often send written advice to a client after our phone call and they will tell me they never read what I sent. When I ask why, they reply with, "Well I just don't have time." If you can find time to brush your teeth, have a meal, or watch television, you have time to read. "No matter how busy you may think you are, you must find time for reading, or surrender yourself to self-chosen ignorance." ~ Atwood H. Townsend ~

As long as you continue communicating in these methods you can be guaranteed that you will not have a successful relationship.

My advice is if you want to ruin a relationship Keep Texting!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Billie_Chainey