
8 New Ways to Boost Your Body Image

Need some help in the body-image department? (Don’t we all!) Tap into these expert strategies to take your self-image from OK to off the charts.

Body image mantra

Change Your Mantra

What thoughts usually go through your head? I wish I had thinner thighs? Why can’t I have a flat stomach? I hate my butt? Sound familiar? You can stop these thoughts and feel better about your body by doing a simple thing, says Patricia Farrell, Ph.D., a psychologist in Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, and the author of How to Be Your Own Therapist.

“Create a new mantra—something you can repeat that will reinforce that you are strong, beautiful and worthy,” she says. Some ideas to get you started: “I am thankful that I have a strong, healthy body” or “Outer beauty comes from inner strength.”

Body image notes

Write Yourself Love Notes

You would drop a little love note in your boyfriend’s lunch, so why not do the same for yourself, suggests Farrell. It might feel a little odd at first, but she suggests leaving sticky notes around the house—everywhere from your bathroom mirror to the door of your refrigerator—to remind yourself of your beauty and your worth.

They can be funny (“Hey, hottie!”), thoughtful (“What should a chair and a body have in common? You should be comfortable in them”) or motivating (“The ice cream carton will not make us happier”).

Body image child

Be a Little Childish

Paula Bloom, Ph.D., an Atlanta clinical psychologist and speaker, says the best body-image lesson comes from children. “When my daughter was two, someone came up to her and said, ‘You are so pretty,’” she says. “She responded, ‘I’m not pretty, I’m Rachel.’ Kids seem to intuitively know that they are what they are. She couldn’t fathom being called anything but her name.”

Take Bloom’s challenge and try to re-create that for yourself. Allow yourself to run, play or splash around in a pool with zero concern about how you look doing it.

Body image shopping

Go Shopping

A lot of women hang on to clothes that are too small, hoping they’ll lose weight and be able to fit into them again, says Bloom. Although it isn’t a bad idea to save your clothes, it might be best to box them up for now, because they could be sabotaging your body image.

“Being assaulted every morning by things in your closet that don’t fit does not make for a positive start to the day,” she says. Instead, do a little shopping for clothes that are both comfortable and cute—in the size you are now.

Body image massage

Get a Massage

You already know that massage is a great stress reliever, but did you know that it could also make you feel better about your body? “Touch releases some really delicious hormones, like oxytocin, which flood us with feelings of well-being and safety,” says Tina Tessina, Ph.D., a psychotherapist and author in Long Beach, California. It’s common, she says, for women to leave a massage treatment feeling at peace with their bodies.

Can’t afford a massage? “Holding a baby or even petting your dog or cat will also have the same effect,” she says.

Body image sex

Focus on How Your Body Feels

If body insecurities are affecting your ability to enjoy sex, Debby Herbenick, Ph.D., author of Because It Feels Good: A Woman’s Guide to Sexual Pleasure and Satisfaction, has the tip for you. Instead of agonizing about the way your body looks, think about the way it feels.

“Stay in the moment,” she says. “Focus on how the sheets feel against your skin, how your hand feels on your partner’s back or butt and how your bodies feel as they move together.” This, she says, can increase arousal, reduce any body hang-ups you may have and make it easier to orgasm.

Body image lighting

Try This $2.99 Bathroom Trick

One of the best things a woman can do to feel better about herself is to start the day with a healthy, positive view of herself, says Tessina. She suggests you try this one cheap and easy thing: Toss any unflattering, glaringly bright bathroom lightbulbs and replace them with softer bulbs. “It’s such a cheap and easy fix,” says Tessina, “and it can help you start the day feeling so much better about the way you look.”

Body image issues

Remember That Everyone Feels Inadequate Sometimes

Think you’re the only one who looks in the mirror and sometimes sees a sumo wrestler instead of the true beauty that you are? We promise, you’re not alone. Even the most physically fit people struggle with feelings of body inadequacy.

Here’s proof: According to a recent study, Spanish researchers found that many professional soccer players (you know, the ones with toned butts, rock-hard abs and to-die-for legs) reported dissatisfaction with their physique. The takeaway? Whether you’re overweight, super fit or somewhere in between, you may always be dissatisfied with your body unless you tackle what’s inside and find the confidence you need to accept yourself just the way you are.


9 Date Outfit Ideas, Straight From the Runway

Yes, New York Fashion Week produces a lot of highly styled fashion that could easily be filed in the “man-repellent” category. But we spotted at least nine dateworthy outfits straight from the spring 2010 Fashion Week runways that you’ll love and (bonus!) will have him drooling the second you walk through the door.

The Sexy Way to Wear Shorts

You don’t have to wear Daisy Dukes to earn a longing glance from the men’s department. Pair a sparkly top with cuffed dress shorts like we saw at DKNY—wear the blazer if the restaurant’s chilly or throw it over your shoulders for a romantic nighttime stroll.

Rebecca Taylor

A Sweet Take on Harem Pants

If harem pants fit into that trend-you-couldn’t-pay-me-to-try category, it might be time to think again. The flowly silhouette is flattering to every shape, and when worn with a sexy bustier as seen at Rebecca Taylor, well, what man can take issue with it?


The Guy-Approved T-Shirt Dress

Newsflash: Guys love a girl who is comfortable in her own skin, so it stands to reason they’ll be drawn to someone who is comfortable in her own clothes, too. Spend your next date in your favorite T-shirt—T-shirt dress, that is. The draping shape of this BCBG dress keeps you couch-comfortable yet fashionable. No doubt he’ll appreciate your low-maintenance look.


Subtle Sparkles That Won’t Blind Him

Ever girly girl loves a sequin or two, but this is a date, not a Vegas revue. Get your sparkle fix with a sequined mini like we saw at Adam, but dress it down with a casual tee and utility-style jacket. Chances are he’ll love the subtle flash of light—and your legs!

Behnaz Sarapour

Take Him to Romantic Lengths

Minis aren’t the only skirt that’s flirty. Lately, floor-length numbers are taking back the stage. Opt for a long, romantic skirt and shoulder-baring tank like at Behnaz Sarafpour. After all, like Grannie told us, elegance always attracts a man.

Karen Walker

Look Preppy and Sexy!

A classic striped sweater isn’t just for Saturdays anymore. Trade your jeans and sneaks for round-toe pumps and a leggy skirt like the models at Karen Walker for a grown-up, guy-approved take on the prep-school trend. Just choose one bag to bring with you.

Rachel Roy

The Perfect Weekday-Date Outfit

Multitasking just got easier thanks to this versatile menswear look from Rachel Roy. Add a camisole and blazer to a sheer-ish button-down for the office, and for an after-work cocktail date, well, remove both! Voila—sexy and professional! (Here’s hoping your date is the same.)

Luca Luca

The Little Yellow Dress

LBDs are always going to be a dating staple, but that doesn’t mean the rest of the rainbow should be banished to the for-weddings-or-Halloween-only section of your closet. A feminine and flirty dress like the one we saw at Luca Luca is date-perfect in yellow, a color to watch for spring.

Alexander Wang

Football-Inspired Fashion—Um, Hello!

There’s hardly a need to explain this one: pretty girl in uniform. Most red-blooded dudes we know can’t say no to that. And thanks to Alexander Wang, every guy’s ultimate fantasy just became fashion’s next big thing.
Ref: glamour.com

11 Things Guys Don’t Understand About Women

Men always say they don’t “get” the female sex, but what specifically—besides our going to the restroom in groups—don’t they comprehend? We found out.
Hair ties
“Why, oh, why, can’t you create a single, central location for your hair ties and bobby pins?!? And why is there one on the handle of the microwave?” —Chris, 26
Photo: iStock
Woman waxing
“Why are women so afraid of bugs but can regularly pour hot wax on their bodies and rip hair out by its roots?” —Justin, 22
Photo: Getty Images
Women fighting
“Girls and drama! My God, it’s like an episode of Dawson’s Creek! He said, she said…it goes on and on for years. Do you ever get over an argument?” —James, 28
Hormonal woman
“I am confused enough about why the onslaught of hormones every month, like clockwork, still takes me by surprise (the next day when she gets her period, I’m like, Oh! We got into a fight because she was hormonal!), but why does that fact take her by surprise? Shouldn’t she kind of realize it and be like, ‘Don’t listen to me—I’m hormonal’?” —Married Jake
Photo: iStock
Engagement ring
“I don’t get why getting married so soon is so important to most women. Is love not enough?” —Brian, 24
Photo: iStock
Woman with shoes
“Why all the shoes? Really, my sister has suitcases full of shoes that I’ve thrown aside more often than she’s even seen them. It boggles the mind!” —Mark, 25
Photo: iStock
Arguing couple
“I don’t understand their attitudes! Everything is good for, like, the first three months, but after that, it’s a whole different ball game!” —Danny, 32
Photo: iStock
Woman paying bills
“I don’t get why girls say one thing and mean something different. Like when they say, ‘You can watch the game,’ and then when you do, you get in trouble.” —Keith, 27
Photo: Getty Images
Nice guy
“What I don’t understand is why girls really, really, really want that nice guy, but once they find one, they can’t date him because now they need a jerk.” —Rob, 26
Photo: Getty Images
Mean girls
“Why do girls not like other girls when they first meet them? It’s as if they have to prove themselves to each other before they’ll consider them acceptable to hang out with.” —Aaron, 25
Photo: Everett Collection

“I don’t understand why women can’t just speak more directly. They always want you to do something, but they don’t put it in words. Instead, they talk around the issue. I wish they were more up front and just said it!” —Justin, 26
Ref: glamour.com

Binge drinking danger of giving your child a glass of wine

A glass of red wine

Just the one: Allowing children a glass of wine with dinner could turn them into binge drinkers in later life

Parents who give their child the occasional glass of wine with their meal could be turning them into binge drinkers, scientists have warned.

Growing numbers of middle class parents are following the example of French families and allowing their offspring to drink wine with their meals, in the belief it will teach them to drink responsibly.

But now a study has found children who are introduced to alcohol by their parents are more likely to grow into problem drinkers later in life.

The research, to be published in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, analysed data on 6,257 adult male and female Australian twins.

It recorded what age they had their first drink and whether there were genetic or environmental influences on their behaviour.

Dr Arpana Agrawal, the leader of the team from Washington University in Missouri, said: ‘In this sample of young adults earlier drinking was associated with increased likelihood of a lifetime history of alcohol dependency symptoms, and with reporting more symptoms.

‘It was also associated with increased genetic vulnerability to symptoms.

‘Compared with those who consumed their first alcohol drink after the age of 13 to 15,
early-onset drinkers appeared to be more genetically susceptible to later alcohol dependency problems.’

She said alcohol use at a particularly early age may lead to changes in the sensitive adolescent brain which, in turn, may ‘switch on’ genes that affect a person’s susceptibility to addiction.

In contrast, the research found that being exposed to drink after 15 did not seem to raise the risk of becoming dependent.

Ref: mail online

Cellulite-busting tights that melt away fat with crystals go on sale

Women now have another weapon to help fight the flab in the form of a new range of anti-cellulite leggings and tights.

The Brazilian manufacturer of Scala bio-fir claims the garments will melt away bumpy excess fat.

When underwear made by the same company went on sale in John Lewis in May it was the store's fastest selling lingerie yet, going at a rate of 25,000 pieces a month.

Scala bio-fir anti-cellulite legging
Scala bio-fir anti-cellulite legging

Sleeker silhouette: The Scala bio-fir tights and leggings (£15) zap toxins and fat with in-built thermal crystals which claim to increase blood flow

Now the chain is selling leggings and tights made by Scala, which are embedded with crystals which emit heat on contact with the skin.

This is supposed to improve blood flow and therefore help drain away toxins and fat.

The active Bio Crystals built into the microfibre of the fabric absorb body heat and stimulate cell metabolism increasing blood flow to the skin.

Research carried out on the Skala sister product, the Bio-Fir Anti-Cellulite knickers, showed that four out of five women who wore the knickers every day for a month lost inches from their stomach, hips and thighs.

Cellulite was also reduced. The effects are said to last up to 12 months, provided wearers exercise and eat healthily.

John Lewis' managing director Andy Street said: 'Scala hosiery has the potential to break records as one of the fastest selling products John Lewis has ever stocked.

'Scala control-wear caused a sensation when we launched it in May and I believe the hosiery will do even better as it will appeal to a wider audience.'

The leggings are available now online or at the chain's Oxford Street store in London, while the tights will go on sale across the country in October.

Both the products are black, cost £15 each and the manufacturers says the fat-busting technology does not diminish with washing.

Why eating broccoli may prevent strokes and heart attacks

Broccoli is high in sulforaphane, which helps to keep arteries unclogged

Broccoli is high in sulforaphane, which helps to keep arteries unclogged

This probably still won't encourage children to eat it, but the many healthy properties of broccoli include preventing a heart attack or stroke, say researchers.

A chemical found in the vegetable boosts the body's defence system to keep arteries unclogged.

Cauliflower, sprouts and cabbage can also keep the blood flowing freely.

They all contain sulforaphane, along with rocket, kale and pak choi, but broccoli contains the highest levels.

The discovery by scientists at could finally crack the code to using the vital vegetable ingredient in treating heart patients.

Professor Peter Weissberg, medical director of the , which funded the research, said: 'As well as adding evidence to support the importance of eating "five a day", the biochemistry revealed in this research could lead to more targeted dietary or medical approaches to prevent or lessen disease that leads to heart attacks and strokes.'

The researchers found bent or branched arteries are more susceptible to disease because they lack a protein called Nrf2.

In contrast, straight sections of artery are protected by the protein, which prevents cells becoming inflamed, an early indication for the development of heart disease.

The researchers discovered that Nrf2 was disabled by a protein in the bent or branched areas of arteries, stifling its protective properties.

But sulforaphane reactivated Nrf2 in these at-risk regions of the arteries, restoring the ability of the arteries to look after themselves.

The researchers believe the chemical could help these trouble spots remain disease-free for longer.

The findings, from a study of mice, are published in the journal Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology.

In their next phase of research, investigators will find out whether using sulforaphane as a treatment can reduce the progression of disease.

Dr Paul Evans, from the National Heart and Lung Institute at Imperial College , who led the research team, said 'We found that the innermost layer of cells at branches and bends of arteries lack the active form of Nrf2, which may explain why they are prone to inflammation and disease.

'Treatment with the natural compound sulforaphane reduced inflammation at the high-risk areas by 'switching on' Nrf2.

'Sulforaphane is found naturally in broccoli, so our next steps include testing whether simply eating broccoli, or other vegetables in their ‘family’, has the same protective effect.

'We also need to see if the compound can reduce the progression of disease in affected arteries.'

The health effects of broccoli are already recognised - along with the characteristically bitter taste that puts off so many children and the former US president .

Studies have shown a chemical in the vegetable boosts DNA repair i cells and may stop them becoming cancerous.

Other evidence suggests eating broccoli helps reverse the damage caused by diabetes to heart blood vessels.

Ref: mailonline

Multivitamin pills 'can do you more harm than good'

Enlarge Woman holds vitamin pills

'Waste of money': Vitamin pills may be doing more harm than good

Multivitamins taken by millions of 'worried well' are a waste of money and may be doing more harm than good, an expert has said.

Brian Ratcliffe, a former government adviser on nutrition, accused the £600million-a-year vitamin pill industry of preying on the fears and finances of people who are essentially healthy.

The tablets, on sale in every supermarket, chemist and health food shop, do little to boost health in those with no medical problems and in some cases could be dangerous.

For instance, those who take fish oils as well as multivitamins could be raising their odds of brittle bones in later years because they are consuming too much vitamin A.

The health-conscious should not take any supplements without first consulting their GP or another medical expert, said Professor Ratcliffe, of Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen.

He said: 'A lot of people take supplements because they are the worried well and are concerned with taking a belt-and-braces approach to health.

'So they are not thinking very carefully about why they are taking them, how much they should be taking and whether they should be taking them at all.

'They are simply wasting their money and fuelling an industry that is to some extent exploiting their fears. Then, of course, there is a chance they are dabbling in an area where there is a potential for harm.'

The professor, a former adviser to the Food Standards Agency, is not the first to raise concern about the tablets taken by 40 per cent of women and 30 per cent of men a day.

Last year, a U.S. analysis of 67 studies said vitamins A and E may shorten life, not extend it. Other studies linked the two vitamins to increased risk of cancer. Even relatively small doses of vitamin A can be toxic, said the professor.

The vitamin is found in many fish oil capsules, so those who take these alongside multivitamin pills may be getting more than they should.

Too much vitamin A can cause nausea and headaches in the short term and raise the risk of osteoporosis in later years, the British Science Festival in Guildford heard. On the other hand, high doses of vitamin C are not harmful - but up to three-quarters pass straight through the body.

Even small doses may be of little benefit. A recent study found the vitamin C tablets taken by millions to ward off colds have little effect at preventing the sniffles and only marginally shorten their duration.

Professor Ratcliffe said that on average we get enough vitamin C from our diet - and it is easy to raise the amount by eating healthier food.

However, some may benefit from specific supplements, including the elderly, who can be low in vitamin D, and pregnant women, who are advised to take folic acid.

Manufacturers said Government figures show that three-quarters of adults fail to eat five helpings of fruit and vegetables a day and many lack key vitamins and minerals.

Dr Carrie Ruxton, of the industrybacked Health Supplements Information Service, said: 'Supplements are a useful means of boosting vitamin and mineral intakes while people are gradually improving their diets - this process takes time.'

Ref: mailonline

Frozen vegetables 'more nutritious than fresh produce'

Frozen food can be even more nutritious than supposedly fresh produce in a supermarket, a new study has found.

Most of the fruit and veg found in the freezer, things like peas, are frozen very soon after harvest, so preserving the levels of vitamins and minerals.

However, the long delays in getting fresh food from the field to the store often leads to a reduction in the level of beneficial compounds.

In some cases fruit and vegetables sold as fresh will have been held in warehouses for months on end.

Basket of vegetables

On ice: Contrary to popular belief frozen vegetables can be more nutritious than fresh greens

Scientists at the Centre for Food Innovation at Sheffield Hallam University say it is time to junk the common belief that frozen means inferior.

They highlighted research that shows, for example, that some 77per cent of vitamin C in a green bean is lost during seven days of storage.

At the same time there is evidence that cooked frozen green peas contain higher levels of beta-carotene, which converts into Vitamin A in the body, than cooked fresh peas.

Researcher Charlotte Harden, said her own research among 37 varieties of produce found no nutritional difference between frozen and fresh items.

'We must disregard the mistaken view that ‘fresh’ food is always better for us than frozen food,' she said. 'Frozen food can be nutritionally comparable or in some cases nutritionally superior.

'We are not surprised by these results, as our findings correlate with many other recently published reports.'

Director-General of the British Frozen Food Federation, Brian Young, said: “Fast and organised methods of harvest-to-freeze have evolved which minimise loss of nutrients.

'In contrast, ‘fresh' food can spend up to a month in the chain of producers, wholesalers and retailers before they reach customers.

'During this time we know that product deterioration takes place - to the extent that they can have lower nutritional value than frozen equivalents.'

The research was carried out to help local council caterers to decide on the best choice of food for school dinners.

Chairman of the Local Authority Caterers Association, Beverley Baker, said: 'This new report supports our long held belief that there is no significant difference in nutritional quality between fresh and frozen produce.

'We strongly believe that both have a place in the provision of healthy school meals.

'From a school catering perspective, a combination of both fresh and frozen presents advantages in terms of storage and preparation as well as optimum use of cooking facilities.'

Ref: mailonline

Super fruit? Kiwis are being prescribed to cut blood pressure

Three kiwi fruit a day are being prescribed to patients with high blood pressure.

Men and women with slightly raised levels are being given the fruit in a two-month clinical trial at the University of Oslo in Norway. more>

Wealthy and Healthy Diary: Suncream may be linked to Alzheimer’s disease, say experts

Suncream stops millions of people each year from burning their skin, but scientists are now looking for a link between suncream and Alzheimer’s disease

The frightening possibility of Alzheimer’s disease being induced by suncream is being investigated by academics.

Millions of British holidaymakers use block to protect their skin from the sun every year.

Now the University of Ulster says two of its experts have been awarded £350,000 by the European Union to explore the possible links between the suncream and the brain disease.

They are leading a groundbreaking three-year research project into whether human engineered nanoparticles, such as those found in sunscreen, can induce neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

It follows a 2003 study by British doctors that found some leading brands of sunscreen lotions failed to stop the sun’s damaging rays penetrating the skin.more>

“Sexy” Things That Aren’t

Every item on this list is supposed to turn men on. Weirdly enough, says Jake, they may do the opposite.

Jake illo

Women continue to knock sexy out of the park in ways that could make a grown man cry. (From boy shorts to oversize shades, you guys know what you’re doing.) And yet the line between “hot” and “trying too hard” can be very thin. These are a few of the efforts you really shouldn’t make to impress us. Because, trust me, we’re already there.

Sexy couple on couch

Pubic Topiary

I once dated a woman who’d painstakingly fashioned her hair down there into a fine strip—and by “fine,” I mean a line like Errol Flynn’s mustache. If it hadn’t been so perfectly centered, I’d have just assumed she missed a spot with the razor. My old roommate, however, took the prize when he met a woman who sported a thunderbolt, and yet another who had whittled things into an exclamation point. “I guess it was impressive,” he admits, knowing that he was supposed to love the salaciousness of such porn-inspired maintenance. “But I was excited enough by the circumstances; it didn’t need punctuation.”

Fishnet stockings

Fishnet Stockings

You might be thinking, Now, wait a second, Jake, this sounds like nothing more than one man’s personal preference. To that I offer you exhibit A, my friend James*: “When a woman wears fishnets, it’s like she’s banging you over the head with ‘notice my legs,’ ” he says. “Believe me, a short skirt works just fine.” Unless you are both French and a maid, no holey tights, please.

Taking off underwear

Not Wearing Any Underwear

With this one, circumstances count. It’s sexy when it’s just for us, and a thumbs-down when we find out you’ve spent the day that way. See, when you go commando, we think you’re ready for action in two snaps. That’s hot. But if you’ve been alfresco at work for hours, it means other dudes were mere snaps away. That’s disturbing.

Applying red lipstick

A Pucker Like Gwen Stefani’s

Technically, superbright red lipstick is sexy, but it also seems to say, “Look but don’t touch, or you’ll mess up my paparazzi-ready makeup.” While we’re on the subject, when a woman compulsively reapplies lipstick or gloss of any shade after every bite and sentence, we’re torn. Your lips look delicious, but kissing you means ingesting a product. And that’s not what we had in mind for dessert.

Woman drinking cocktail at bar

“Screaming Orgasms,” Jell-O Shots and Other Crazy Drinks

When my friend Mark’s date ordered a Sex on the Beach and gave him a flirtatious look, he got uncomfortable. “Suddenly I was out with a vixen,” he said. “If that’s the drink you like, great, but it doesn’t add to your appeal.” Actually, the only order likely to impress a guy is a shot of whiskey, and that’s because most of us aren’t man enough to down one.

Ear blowing

Ear Blowing

There’s nothing sexier than an accidental female breath in your ear, but when one ex intentionally puffed into my left canal, I felt trapped in a Juicy Fruit-scented wind tunnel. (Also, it kind of hurt.) And throwing in a growl or moan? Doesn’t help.


5 Ways to Live a More Balanced Life

“Your ability to do a good job at work depends on whether you have a personal life that refreshes and restores you,” says social psychologist Jane Adams. If you can’t stop thinking about work after you leave the office, create a mental filing cabinet. “Sit down in a quiet place, open it, and deal with your work worries. Then, mentally close the cabinet and do something else,” she suggests. Try this on Fridays before leaving the office for the weekend — or each night. Mentally lock the cabinet, if necessary.

You may subconsciously take your office habits — especially multitasking — home with you. You might find yourself washing dishes while phoning your mom, or checking your BlackBerry while in a movie. “We’ve become so used to living in overdrive that we take it as normal, but our bodies don’t,” says stress expert Kathleen Hall. To balance work, play, and rest, write down five ways work blends into your playtime. Then, choose one to focus on. If you obsessively check your BlackBerry during your time off, cut back — first by half, then more until you get it down to once a night. By transforming mindless habits into conscious choices, you’ll limit your body’s stress and gain control of your day — and night.

To lead a more fulfilling personal life, expand your exposure to people you don’t work with, says Douglas Rushkoff, author of Get Back in the Box: Innovation from the Inside Out. Otherwise, you’ll constantly be pushed into the role you play at the office. Sign up for an art class, or at yoga, introduce yourself to the woman who’s downward-dogging next to you. Can’t tear yourself away from your desk? Try an Internet-based service like meetup.com that allows people with similar interests to meet and interact online.

If all of your friends work in your industry, set rules when you socialize. Agree to vent, gossip, or strategize for a specific amount of time — say, 10 minutes — and appoint a timekeeper. When the allotted number of minutes is up, deliberately switch the topic — to anything from politics to Paris Hilton.

To prevent work from invading your home, create a personal project — it will help you recharge and relax but still feel active. Buy canvases and paint, make CDs for friends, or begin a home-improvement project, says Christine Hassler, a life coach for 20-something women. Another tip: Consider cooking. Eating meals in your own kitchen makes your home feel less like a hotel.

Ref: marieclaire.com

Sculpted Waves + Red Lips

You know how celebrities always turn to red lipstick and structured waves when they're trying to look all come-hither? Well, that's because there's a sexifying force created when these two elements come together.

Here’s Megan Fox rocking the combo:

Angelina Jolie with softer waves:

And here’s an older shot of Scarlett Johansson:

Now, one or the other is nice on its own, obviously, but there’s just something about the combination of the fiery mouth and the smooth, curvy locks that’s totally seductive in a Veronica Lake sort of way. No wonder it's a red-carpet go-to.

What color are you?

Learn How Your Favorite Color Can Reveal Great Things About You!


RED is full of passion, energy, and vivacity- kind of like you! You are a risk taker and full of ideas, ready to go at a moment’s notice. You don’t mind getting attention, and you usually deserve it. Aggressive and strong, you have big dreams and the power to realize them as well. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

ORANGE is the favorite color of extroverts, class clowns and the life of the party. You like sparkly things, are a confident go-getter and have a warm aura about you that people respond to whether they know you or not. Your kind nature and cheerful attitude makes this world a prettier place. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

YELLOW is the color of sunshine and happiness, and this is exactly what you bring into every room you enter! You are smart, generous with your time and money, and you love to laugh. Friends think of you when they need a partner in crime for a good time, and you never let them down. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

GREEN is the color of nature, and like our beautiful world you produce a calm feeling of hope and grace in your life and with your friends. People come to you for advice, which you give freely. Creative and caring, your generous nature combines with your optimistic attitude to manifest successful relationships. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BLUE is the number one favorite color in the world; blue-lovers make our world peaceful and harmonious and strive to make their friends and loved ones feel comfortable and secure. You are extremely trustworthy and patient and give people the feeling that everything will be okay. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PURPLE is the color of dreams, mystery and artistic revelry; you often find yourself wrapped up in one or all of the above. Full of feelings and insightful intelligence that borders on enlightenment, your power is greater than you know. You express yourself clearly and your true sentiments are never a mystery to those around you. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BLACK is a unique color, and you are a unique girl. Your elegance and style precedes you, and you are known to the world as a strong and classy woman. Deep and often serious, you exhibit a powerful sensuality and men are mesmerized by your eyes as well as by your fearless nature. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BROWN is the color of the earth, and like Mother Nature you are extremely caring and considerate of your fellow human beings. Loyal and dependable, you glow with the certainty of knowing who you are and what you want in life. You are a good friend and esteem your relationships very highly. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PINK is playful and fun, and so are you. A hopeless romantic, you can always see the silver lining of everyone and everything. In general you love life and are happy with yours. Emotional and expressive, your individual quirks make people want to be around you and be your friend. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---

WHITE is the color of purity and innocence, and you are drawn to these things with your peaceful nature and spiritual way of looking at the world. You love truth and justice and are very good at keeping balance in your life. You favor simple pleasures over gaudy desires, and your heart leads you well.

Source: divavillage.com